Review Magazine is the top-rated online publication for entertainment reviews, including movies, music, concerts, books, poetry, theatre, TV shows, podcasts and blogs.
The magazine’s audience is extremely diverse. What makes the publication unique is that each individual review is written to target a specific, niche audience within the larger demographic.
For example, the magazine published multiple reviews of the movie “Frozen.” There was one review that targeted parents of young children, another that targeted grandparents who were also retirees and yet another for fans of animated films. Even though the topic was the same movie, the reviews were very different.
You have been asked by Review Magazine to submit a review for publication for the May 2015 online edition. The specific topic of your review as well as your targeted audience has been left to your discretion.
Part I: Content Proposal (25 points)
Detail the review you plan on writing and submit it for approval. Your proposal should be one paragraph, approximately 100 words and identify the following items:
- The topic of your review.
- The intended audience of your review. Remember, be specific.
- Any resources you plan on referencing in your review. (Other albums or movies? Other previously published reviews?)
Your proposal will be graded on your idea as well as your presentation. Spelling, grammar and punctuation matter!
This proposal must be printed out and brought with you to class on the following date:
- Tuesday, April 18
Part II: Article (250 points)
Write and publish your review on your WordPress site. Your article must be between 600-800 words in length and will be graded on the following items:
- Strength of headline
- Effective use of subheads
- Readability/scan-ability, including chunked content, short paragraphs and bulleted lists (if necessary)
- Grammar, punctuation and spelling
- Use of multimedia, including photos and videos (with links to sources if required by Creative Commons licensing)
- Use of text links to related content or sources
- Overall presentation of article, including formatting of text
- Use of appropriate tags
The completed article is due at the conclusion of the two-hour final exam period. Specific details on submitting the article will be given at that time.
Tips for Successful Completion:
- Write your article with enough time to allow for peer editing. Send your review to someone else to read, or ask someone in class to critique your writing.
- You may have the article already built on your WordPress site prior to your final exam period. You will, however, have time during the two-hour period to fine tune your article.
- Locate your photos/video and links early so you’re not hunting for them late in the process.
Part III: Article Submission and Promotion (75 points)
Details on this portion of the assignment will be handed out during the two-hour final exam period. Plan on saving approximately 30-45 minutes of your work time to complete the final requirements of the assignment.