Writing for Digital Media

EMC 3060, Middle Tennessee State University

Website Analysis and Recommendations

Choose a Web site you visit regularly, one where you read a lot of the content. Imagine that you have been hired as the site’s new editor-in-chief. Make specific recommendations to improve the presentation of content at the site, integrating and referencing the chapter as much as possible.

  • What elements or features promote use of the site? Again, think of all the elements described in this chapter.
  • How are graphics and visuals incorporated, and do they encourage or discourage use? How do they do this? How much thought was given to navigation throughout the site?
  • Are the elements — graphical, navigational and metaphorical — consistently applied throughout the site?
  • Is the tone or rhythm of the site consistent throughout?
  • Do these dimensions match the audience(s) for the site?

Here is a categorical checklist of site dimensions to critique:

  • Navigation
  • Page layouts (balance | contrast | unity)
  • Consistency
  • Tone and voice
  • Writing quality
  • Site organization

Length: Approximately 800-1,000 words.

(Source: Writing for Digital Media textbook website)