Writing for Digital Media

EMC 3060, Middle Tennessee State University


Subject to Change

Catalog Description

Writing for Digital Media concentrates on the theory and practice of interactive writing for new media channels. The course examines the fundamental principles of writing interactively for specific audiences. It will also help students cultivate skills in content development using the right technologies for the different media.

Writing is the core

Words, sentences, punctuation, grammar, spelling — it all counts. Without those you can’t communicate and you’ll struggle with this course and every other one. Pay attention to your writing and your words.

You will be writing and planning to write and writing. Did I mention the writing? You’ll be working with others to improve your writing. You’ll be discovering the role of writing and the writer in today’s buffet of media.

We’ll cover blogging, citizen journalism, how journalism is changing, working in-house at a business and libel and privacy in a 24/7, instant writing world.

Course Text And Reading

Supplemental text:

Lynch, Patrick J. and Horton, Sarah. Web Style Guide: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-13737-8.
No purchase necessary! We will use the online edition!

And other reading as assigned.

YOU ARE REQUIRED TO READ OR VIEW ASSIGNED MATERIAL BEFORE CLASS. We may or may not review that material in class.


All MTSU students now have full access to Lynda.com, an online library of tutorials. Throughout the semester I will assign modules and courses to view related to the topic of the week. You must watch these modules outside of class; we may discuss them and I expect you will use the knowledge. I would suggest you complete all courses, even if only a few modules are suggested. These can be listed under education on your resume and LinkedIn profile.

You can start using Lynda now by going to www.mtsu.edu/lynda for more information and access to MTSU’s Lynda portal.  When accessing the portal, users with existing Lynda profiles will be given the opportunity to migrate their existing work, playlists, etc. to the new environment.

Current Events and Show & Tell

You must stay up to date about current writing and online media topics. The easiest way is to subscribe (free) to at least one (or all) of the following websites. Read articles from them daily. We will talk about current events in every class.


Social Media Club

Social Media Examiner

Social Media Today

The Center for Social Media


Ann Handley

Every Page is Page One

Poynter. » Writing Tools

Writing For Digital

Meet Content

Hillary Marsh, Content Company








The best way to keep up with blogs and websites is by using their RSS feed. You’ll need desktop or online software to read RSS feeds. I recommend Feedly, a web/mobile app and browser plugin.


You must have (or open), and keep up, active accounts for the following services, as well as others as assigned:

Social Media Follows

You must follow/like/join/subscribe/add the accounts below:

Extracurricular Opportunities

There are a variety of professional groups and Meetups in Nashville and locally. These include CraftContent Mixers, Social Media Club Nashville, Nashville SEO Meetup, NashUX Meetup, Nashville VR Meetup, etc. There also student clubs and organizations on campus specific to your major such as Social Media Club MTSU, National Association of Black Journalists, VR/AR Club, etc. I urge you to attend and get involved in these organizations.

Social Media Club MTSU may stage a comeback this spring. The club’s mission is “If you get it, share it.” And there will be lots of opportunities to do that all year round. Watch this space for more details!

Mechanics , Levers, and Gears

Assignment and Project Publishing

You will publish all of your  assignments to your website. They should all be professional quality. Treat them as documents you will give to your client or boss, not as class assignments. By the end of semester you’ll have the beginning of a professional portfolio of work to show to an internship, employer or prospective client.


We will be using the Desire2Learn for grading only. We WILL NOT use D2L email. I will not be checking that Inbox.

Send all email to me at todd dot oneill at mtsu dot edu from your mtmail.mtsu.edu address. No other FROM address should be used. Department policy, not mine. Use a subject line that makes sense.


I have created a Group.me list for this course. Join it here. In case you don’t know, Group.me is a text message service. Your phone number remains hidden. We can exchange messages about the class, projects, or ask each other questions, etc. I will also use it for class announcements instead of email. It works on smartphones and feature/flip phones; any device that can send or receive text messages. Text message rates may apply. Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included. Keep your hands inside the car at all times.


You’ll be responsible for:

  • Participation and Attendance
  • Personal Accounts and Website
  • Chapter Assignments (10)
  • Final Exam

I expect professional behavior. That’s your contract. In return you’ll be “paid” in accordance with fulfilling that contract. My side of the bargain is providing you with valuable work to do.

You may receive up to 1500 points this semester for the work that you do.

  • Participation and Attendance = 150
  • Personal Accounts and Website = 350
  • Chapter Assignments (10) = 600
  • Final Exam = 400

This is translated into grades like this:











Midterm grades

The University has instituted a new practice of reporting midterm grades. Your midterm grade is based upon a small fraction of the work that will determine your final grade. Your midterm grade should not be interpreted as a strong indication of what your final grade may be. Most of your final grade will be determined by how you perform in the second half of the semester.


You must sign in to class every day. Regular attendance, active participation in class discussions, and a demonstrated grasp of major concepts are essential for obtaining a good grade in this course.

You receive points for attending each class.

  • On time or Excused absence – 5
  • Late – 2.5
  • Unexcused absences – 0

Excused Absences require a doctor’s note or discussion with the instructor BEFORE the absence.

  • 3 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES will lower your final grade by one letter.
  • 5 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES will result in failure of the class.

Academic Misconduct Policy


Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Students guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly through participation or assistance, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class.  In addition to other possible disciplinary sanctions, which may be imposed through the regular institutional procedures as a result of academic misconduct, the instructor has the authority to assign an F or a zero for the exercise or examination; or to assign an F in the course.  If the student believes he or she has been erroneously accused of academic misconduct, and if his or her final grade has been lowered as a result, the student may appeal the case through the appropriate institutional procedures.


  • Cheating on an assignment – Fail the Assignment
  • Plagiarism in any regard – Fail the Course.

Another professor passed along these guidelines from Mindy McAdams’ Website located at www.mindymcadams.com.

 “Do your own work. Be original. No copying. No fiction writing in this course. Never make things up. Never use other people’s words without quotation marks and the speaker’s (or writer’s) name attached. The proper use of citations of ALL material from other sources is required.

When you copy and paste from a Web page, you are committing plagiarism — unless you place the full block of text within quotation marks and provide a complete and correct attribution for the copied material.

A “rewrite” of another person’s text (or Web page) is plagiarism. You must either quote it, or else write entirely from your own mind, your own thoughts, your own words — without copying from something else. Any and all uses of another person’s words must be attributed.

The consequences are not negotiable. If you have any questions about what plagiarism is, or what academic dishonesty is, it is your responsibility to ask me — in advance of handing in any questionable work.

I take both academic honesty and journalistic credibility very seriously, and I expect all students in our college to do the same.

Copying a page or screen design is considered dishonest and sleazy. It is also more noticeable than you may realize — Web professionals will quickly recognize a page design that you copied and thought you had changed. The reflection on you is bad; in some cases, it would eliminate you from consideration for a job.”


Negative statements about race, class, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, or religion will not be tolerated.  Please choose your words carefully and be mindful of difference in this classroom. Students who violate this policy may incur grade deductions and/or be asked to leave.


Free tutoring is available in study skills, learning strategies and several courses such as biology, physics, history, computer information systems, math, psychology, economics, recording industry, and many more. 

The central location for tutoring is the Tutoring Spot, located in Walker Library.  For available tutoring opportunities, including days, times, and location, visit http://mtsu.edu/studentsuccess/tutoring.php#on

You are encouraged to take advantage of this free service.

Tutoring is also available for some courses in the College of Media and Entertainment. Visit your department office for more information.

For Students With Special Needs

If you have a disability that may require assistance or accommodation, or questions related to any accommodations for testing, note-takers, readers, etc., please speak with me as soon as possible. You also may contact the Office of Disabled Student Services (898-2783) with questions about such services.

Last Day Of Attendance

At mid-semester, the MTSU Records Office will distribute a list of students enrolled in this class. The instructor will record on the list the last date of attendance for students who have ceased attending but not officially dropped or withdrawn from the class. The attendance record is to comply with federal financial aid regulations for students receiving aid.

Lottery Scholarship

Do you have a lottery scholarship?  To retain the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship eligibility, you must earn a cumulative TELS GPA of 2.75 after 24 and 48 attempted hours and a cumulative TELS GPA of 3.0 thereafter.  A grade of C, D, F, FA, or I in this class may negatively impact TELS eligibility.

If you drop this class, withdraw, or if you stop attending this class you may lose eligibility for your lottery scholarship, and you may not be able to regain eligibility at a later time.

For additional Lottery rules, please refer to your Lottery Statement of Understanding form (http://www.mtsu.edu/financial-aid/forms/LOTFOD.pdf) or contact your MT One Stop Enrollment Counselor (http://www.mtsu.edu/one-stop/counselor.php).

The MT One Stop is now open and located in Room 210 of the Student Services & Admissions Center (SSAC).  If you have additional questions about financial aid, registration, tuition and billing and transcripts, please contact your MT One Stop Enrollment Counselor or come by the MT One Stop.

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