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Tag Archives: Social media

Online Presence Review Resources

Conducting a review of a business’ online presence can take many forms. I know how I would do it but is that the right way or my way?

Here is a list of resources I’ve curated on the topic. When I have time I’ll lay out my step by step.

Social Media Measurement & Monitoring Tools

Following up on yesterday’s lecture, here are a few social media measurement tools. Add any measurement or monitoring services that you have found in the Comments.

Google Analytics – What we discussed in the lecture. FREE.

Facebook Insights – Touched on in the lecture. Link goes to a guide on how to use Facebook Insights.

Klout – I’ve used this in the past. Used to be a way to track your influence. Link goes to the Klout FAQ page.

Twitspout – Haven’t used this before. Registration is closed. Link goes to main page.

Wildfire – Haven’t used this one either. Owned by Google; only for corporate accounts.

Which came first: the Social or the Egg?

It’s easy to put our heads down and focus on a goal. Need more Followers! Need more Likes! Need more traffic! Maybe we should think of it like an ecosystem. All of our online properties rely in part on all the rest of our online properties.

Case in point, some accidental research from Yoast, the folks who built the WordPress SEO plugin (arguably the best SEO plugin for the playform.) “Is Social the new Google?” they contend that traffic from social networks could bemore valuable than stright ahead search traffic. Check it out.

Wittle Bitty Tweeters

“Media Elites Are Creating Twitter Accounts for Their Babies” WHAT?!

Twitter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

New York magazine posted this story yesterday. I have to think this fad will go by the wayside. In a short time baby Twitter accounts will be kidnap prevention child ID photo.  That photo you have taken of your child when they’re 3 years old but now they’re 8, their hair is cut and they look nothing like that older photo.

This quote from the Comments sections sums it up:

“You realize today’s technology is going to be sooo 8-track by the time those kids are savvy enough to care .”