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Author Archives: Todd O'Neill

iOS Video Apps

Here is a MONSTER list of video apps for your iPhone or iPad. The list is from 2012 so a few of the apps may not be available or have even gone pro.

My favorite video apps

…not included on the list are:

  • Filmic – $4.99 (often offered FREE) powerful video camera. Filmic Classic runs on older devices. Filmic Remote allows you to control one iOS device from another.
  • Ustream – FREE – Great streaming service. 30 day archive.
  • 8mm – FREE – grainy, vintage look. Used ina feature to finish final photography when they ran out of money.
  • MiniatureCam – $.99 – Tilt shift
  • Shot Designer – FREE – shot, list, storyboard and director viewfinder.
  • Editmote – $4.99 – Control surface for FinalCut
  • YouTube Capture – FREE – Direct to YouTube video recorder
  • iSlate – $4.99 – Just like it says it’s a slate.
  • QRSlate – FREE – It’s a slate with the QRSlate Desktop companion app (also FREE) that moves your slate metadata into FinalCut. For real!

There are lots of great apps out there. Prompter software? It’s out there but a little pricey for the best rated one, Teleprompt+ 3 ($24.99!

I have not paid for any of these apps. I watch for free deals through the Apple App store or Starbucks, etc.

Forms and Templates

Here are some forms and templates in Microsoft Word format to use in your new media video production and application projects.

  • shoot checklist  (DOC) – To make sure you have everything you need for production.
  • shooting log  (DOC) – To log your footage before editing.
  • storyboard (DOC) – to sketch out your visuals and textual content before you shoot.
  • two column script  (DOC) – To write a script with a visuals and sound column.


Video Don’ts

OnlineVideo.net published these Online Video Don’ts (Part 1 and Part 2) back in 2010 but basic video production doesn’t change quickly compared to production technology. (Think snail at a NASCAR race.)

Here’s a summary, but check out the full articles at the links above.

  • Don’t Go too Long
  • Don’t Neglect Production Values.
  • Don’t Hire Someone with Questionable Taste
  • Don’t Go off Message
  • Don’t Try to Go Viral
  • Don’t Have Bad Lighting
  • Don’t Have Bad Sound
  • Don’t Put a Lot of Headroom over Your Subject
  • Don’t Put Your Subject Against a Wall
  • Don’t Generalize While Budgeting

What is Podcasting?

I often believe that people don’t recognize both the importance and simplicity of podcasting. Podcasting is a relatively simple process and they are generally free to download from the internet  or application of you choosing.  By having a good podcast, you can build brand loyalty or help to brand yourself as an “expert” in your field of choice.  My overall objective is to inform my audience about the simplicity that comes with creating or downloading/streaming podcasts.  There really is a podcast for everyone.  

view my presentation via slideshare



Basics Guide For Adobe Premiere

Adobe Premiere is a very intimidating program to jump into, simply because it’s more along the lines of a professional grade editing program. Even though it’s tough to get the hang of it at first, once you familiarize yourself with the basics of the program, video editing becomes quite simple. I will be recording a basics guide for editing video footage on Premiere. I will use a screen capture method and walk the viewer through a step-by-step guide on how to get started.

Some topics I will talk about: workspace settings, sequence settings, clipping video, adding basic effects, rendering, and exporting a video.