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360 Shooting Tips

360 photo and video iconFound these 360 Video shooting tips in one of the feeds that I read. This is from the San Francisco Chronicle Travel section.

Some very useful stuff here. Enjoy!

Social Video at YouTube

Logo for YouTube Shorts video service.One of the assignments in our Interactive Media Application course at MTSU is to create a short-form video for social media channels. It took a while but YouTube has finally gotten into the act.

I subscribe to a fair amount of email newsletters and this article came across my desk, How to Make YouTube Shorts for Business. Since our class is all about working for clients it seemed perfect to share with our students.

This blog was mostly created to share interesting information about technology, trends and tecniques with our students. But if others appreciate the information, so be it. Come visit the site and like and share some of the content that may interest you.

Making LinkedIn Videos

linkedin video logoThis article came across my desk. It applies to the Social Media Branding Video project directly but to social media video, live video, and online video series projects as well.  Here’s the link.

Some takeaway tips:

LinkedIn Video Types that Work.

  • Live Video
  • How-To Video and Tutorials
  • Behind the Scenes (BTS) and Culture videos
  • Thought Leadership Videos
  • Interviews

Video Don’ts

OnlineVideo.net published these Online Video Don’ts (Part 1 and Part 2) back in 2010 but basic video production doesn’t change quickly compared to production technology. (Think snail at a NASCAR race.)

Here’s a summary, but check out the full articles at the links above.

  • Don’t Go too Long
  • Don’t Neglect Production Values.
  • Don’t Hire Someone with Questionable Taste
  • Don’t Go off Message
  • Don’t Try to Go Viral
  • Don’t Have Bad Lighting
  • Don’t Have Bad Sound
  • Don’t Put a Lot of Headroom over Your Subject
  • Don’t Put Your Subject Against a Wall
  • Don’t Generalize While Budgeting

PBS’s POV Filmmaking Equipment Survey

Great information!
