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Video files for editing practice

I can’t upload the video files due to a WordPress.com limitation. But I can share them with your from Google Drive. You do not have to sign in to download them to a computer.

Use this link and download away!

Video Production Proposal Guide

Hello Everyone!, Its Whitney and I know this post is a tad bit late but I still hope that it is beneficial to some. I was looking online for a really easy to comprehend video production proposal guide or template because, some that I found were very wordy and hard to follow. I believe  that the guide that I found is straightforward and really easy for someone like myself,  who has no background or experience  with writing video proposals. 

Here is the link

#MyIABCstory for IABC/BC

Video Proposal Instructions

eHow’s “How to Write a Video Proposal”  lays out some very simple instructions on how to write a video proposal.

Here is a summarized version of the article:

1. Three sentence summary.

2. Write short paragraph about the intended audience and what they will be getting from the video.

3. Subheads for plot points, events, or basic facts or lessons you want to convey.

4. Write a short paragraph for each section of your video.

5. Write a conclusion.

6. On a separate page, include the budget plan, video supplies (equipment, actors, etc.) and a cost estimate.


For a more detailed proposal click the link at the top of this article.

Film Proposal Example

Film Proposal Example

I like how this page has it laid out. It is very simple and it tells you what information needs to be included in your proposal. Simple yet effective.

Online video consumption tiny compared to TV?

Online video consumption tiny compared to TV?

I have a hard time believing that. This to me sounds like someone from the TV industry trying tell advertisers to go back to investing in television rather than online video. I used to watch TV before I discovered online video. Now, I absolutely NEVER watch TV (and neither do any of my friends).  The only time I keep the TV on is when I am going to sleep. I keep it on just for the noise. If I ever do watch a movie, I am most likely (illegally) watching it online. I don’t personally watch the news, either. When I need to know about current events, I find out about them online.