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Category Archives: How To

Template for Proposal

This is a template I found online while looking around.

Production Proposal Examples

Hey all, found some examples of Production Proposals whilst browsing. I’ve included links to all of them in their respective bullet points.

  • This one doesn’t look super-legitimate, but it had a template and an example, and I thought it was helpful;
  • This one isn’t so much a Template or Example so much as it is a how-to, but it gives some good pointers;
  • This one is the best one I found as far as content and organization, but it has a whole lot of extra material that you’ll have to sift through.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

Producing Vine Videos

Here are a couple of resources for producing Vine videos.

If you find others leave a link in the Comments!

Creating a WordPress Account

The direction to Create a WordPress account and get added to the class website are here.