Home » Projects » Live Video Streaming

Live Video Streaming


To develop an understanding of live video streaming production techniques and applications.


Produce, promote, and distribute a live video stream of an event. This project must be executed for a business or non-profit client. You may use any publicly available service or application, free or paid.


  • Hardware
    • iPad Production Kit, Laptop computer
  • Software
    • Open Broadcaster Software (OBS)
    • Facebook, YouTube Live
  • Hosting
    • Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Instagram

Project Deliverables

Research: (100 pts)

Research three examples of Live Video Streaming similar to what you intend to create. They should be similar in subject or creative approach. Create a document outlining the following:

  • The objective for the examples should include what the audience should be able to know, learn, or do after using the example. “I don’t know” is not an example of an answer.
  • The audience of the example. This should include age, gender, geographic location, socioeconomic level, media and device use, etc. “Not sure” is not an example of an answer.
  • Client for the example (if any.)
  • The Platform for the example. This is the online location or app that the example project is on.
  • Linked URLs of the examples you find.
  • Analysis: Why are these appropriate examples for your project? Do they use the medium effectively and why? What works and why? What doesn’t work and why?

You may also include additional sources you found that are not examples but pertain to the media you will use or the topic you will cover. See the Project Brief for details.

Delivered to D2L as an MS Word document (PDF or Pages documents will not be accepted, no exceptions.)\

Project brief (100 pts)

  • Explain the objective of your project.
  • Describe the intended audience, including demographics.
  • Explain how the project will be used and distributed.
  • Describe the tool or software used and the reason for that choice.
  • Create an outline or rundown of the project content.
  • Conduct a site survey and provide a diagram of the location indicating the subject position, camera position, audio sources (if available), and electrical outlets.
  • Provide any metadata required for the platform used such as title, producer, date, etc.
  • Provide a Task List with names of responsible individuals and the deadline dates for the tasks.
  • If applicable, provide detailed contact information for the client and/or subject-matter expert (SME) and any cited sources for the information included in the project.
  • Provide a list of team members with email and phone contact information.

Use this Project Brief template. The filename should be LASTNAME_PROJECTNAME_brief.

Use this Task List template. The filename should be LASTNAME_PROJECTNAME_tasklist

Delivered to D2L as an MS Word document (PDF or Pages documents will not be accepted, no exceptions.)

Completed Project (200 pts)

  • At least 1 production, minimum 30 minutes length. You may stream multiple events as a series.
  • Video is properly focused, framed, and lighted correctly and has the appropriate movement for each shot.
  • If a multicamera stream, the switched feed is properly paced and synced with audio as appropriate.
  • Audio is recorded without hiss or buzz or unnecessary background sound and is properly mixed appropriately at an optimum level.
  • Stream the project to an appropriate distribution channel such as Facebook Live, YouTube Live, etc.
  • Video must be archived or saved for viewing after the event.
  • Create a page on your website for the project that includes an explanation of the project, the audience, as well as how the audience can access and use the final project. Embed the offline video on your website and include a link to the project proposal.
  • Create social media posts on all of your social media accounts. Include the hashtag #iam3210.

Submit an MS Word document (PDF or Pages documents will not be accepted, no exceptions) to the D2L dropbox with the following information.

  • URL of your website page about the project
  • URL of the finished project
  • URLs of the social media account used (hashtagged #iam3210.)

Submit a separate MS Word document (PDF or Pages documents will not be accepted, no exceptions) with your Usage of Generative AI Justification (if applicable) to the D2L dropbox.

Reflection (100 pts)

Submit a 250-word reflection paper about your project that addresses the following questions.

  • What surprised you as you found out more about the project?
  • Why did you use the creative approach to the subject? Would you choose the same approach again or go in another direction, and why?
  • How will you apply the outcome of the project to your professional life?
  • What skills/knowledge does it suggest you will need to achieve those goals?
  • How can you work to develop the necessary skills or knowledge?

Delivered to D2L as an MS Word document (PDF or Pages documents will not be accepted, no exceptions.)

Due Dates

See Course Schedule for Project 1 and 2 due dates.


Points will be awarded based on adherence to the Project Deliverables.

Total points available – 500