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Usage of Generative AI Justification


To develop an understanding of the appropriate use of generative AI technology


You must use generative AI in one creative element of one of your projects. (You may use generative AI on both projects if desired with all the same requirements detailed below.)

This synthetic material may include:

  • text
  • music
  • sound effects
  • video
  • animation
  • graphics
  • images


  • Your document should include the following elements:
    • Project Name
    • The creative element that will use generative AI.
    • Justification for the use of AI-generated for this creative element.
    • Explanation of a non-AI method (stock music or photo, etc.) for the same creative element.
    • Name and URL of the generative AI tool(s) or the name of the software package (Adobe Premiere, etc.) you used to create the content.
    • The complete set of prompts used to create the AI-generated content. Include a link to the prompt chat if possible.
    • If other media was used as part of your prompts (video, music, text, etc.) you must include this material, whether you created it or it was public domain, licensed content, etc.
    • Your reflection on whether AI or non-AI content is most effective for the creative element
  • Delivered to D2L as an MS Word document (PDF or Pages documents will not be accepted, no exceptions.) The file should be labeled LASTNAME_PROJECTNAME_AI USAGE.

If you use more than one instance of AI-generated content in a project and I detect it I will treat it as plagiarism. You are subject to the AI policy in the syllabus. You will fail the assignment and risk failing the class and facing University disciplinary action. Proceed at your own risk.



Points will be awarded based on adherence to the Project Deliverables, Deliverable Formatting, and Due Dates.

Total points available – 25

BONUS: You may use generative AI in your other project for an additional 25 points.