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Subject to Change


Digital media (video, audio, augmented reality, etc.) development and creation for online, mobile, and, other technology delivery. Explores transformations inherent in the digital domain and the associated social and cultural ramifications. Students will create digital productions that show these concepts.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of emerging technologies and how they can be used.
  • Demonstrate skills in interactive media production and technology
  • Demonstrate skills to create professional project proposals
  • Create personal websites for use as a portfolio of work
  • Establish social media accounts to promote and market media projects


  • VFP 1060 Basic Video Production

NOTE: This is NOT a video production course. We WILL be discussing shooting for online video specifically which may include basic video production techniques. There are online tutorials (LinkedIn Learning) available to review and learn more. The purpose of this course is to explore and practice what it takes to create rich media for online, mobile, and other channels. Topics include:

  • Review of media production, editing, and distribution fundamentals
  • Preparation of program proposals and treatments
  • Effective interactive media use
  • Current (and future) interactive media technologies
  • Management of digital assets
  • Measurement and reporting of project goals
  • Marketing techniques for interactive media projects

You will not be creating vanity projects about anything you want. You will gain the knowledge and skills required to create effective projects for real applications in the digital media space. This includes: effective production techniques; differences and uses of various program formats such as marketing, how-to, sales funnel, web episodic series, explainers, and other formats (webcasting and video streaming, podcasting, AR/VR, etc.)

Required Materials

All equipment you will use for projects in this course is available for checkout at checkout.mtsu.edu. You are not required to own any equipment. However, there are some “supplies” that you should have.

  • A solid-state drive (SSD) 1Tb or larger. This will be used for the storage of your projects which typically have large file sizes. You should also use it for the backup of your computer because that is adulting. “My hard drive crashed” is not a valid excuse for not turning in work. Your drive should have the following specs.
    • 1Tb or larger
    • Mac compatible (Format the drive for Windows or Mac. A Windows formatted drive can be used on the Mac but you may have performance issues during editing.)
    • USB 2.0 or 3.0 interface
    • 2000 MB/s read/write speed
  • SDHC cards or MicroSD cards. Some equipment requires SDHC cards or MicroSD cards to capture source images or sound. I recommend a 64 Gb Class 10, UHS-3, or V90 card. These cards are appropriate for high-resolution standard video, 360 videos and photos, and multitrack audio. MicroSD cards with adapters like this are great since they can be used in a variety of equipment and you only have to buy one card. SDHC or MicroSD cards are not supplied with the equipment. You must provide your own. Check each piece of equipment for the required SD card and speed. 
    • ADVICE: If you use your SD card for different purposes (video, photography, audio, etc.) be sure to save the work from one application to your computer or hard drive before using the card for another application. You may need to reformat the card for different pieces of equipment. Reformatting will erase all the data from the card.

Do not save your projects to the desktop of the lab computer you are using. Lab computers are regularly updated or cleansed and you will lose your project.

For editing, we will use Adobe Premiere and Adobe Audition and a variety of free and open-source video and audio utilities and editing software. MTSU provides the Adobe Creative Cloud suite on the lab computers.


Subscribe (free) to one or more of the following blogs. Read them daily.

Websites Newsletters YouTube Channels

(Let me know if you find a good resource and I will add it.)

The best way to keep up with blogs and websites, even YouTube channels, is by using their RSS feed. You’ll need desktop or online software to read RSS feeds. I recommend Feedly, a web / mobile app and browser plugin.

LinkedIn Learning

All MTSU students now have full access to LinkedIn Learning, an online library of tutorials. You can use these tutorials (and others) as needed for the various projects you work on. When you complete a course you will receive a certificate that can be automagically uploaded to your LinkedIn profile under “Licenses & certifications.” The courses can also be listed on your résumé.

This course has many LinkedIn Learning courses that are required. They are all important to the curriculum of the course. At least two are especially important to the success of your projects.

I know it’s easy to play the course videos in the background at 2X while you do something else. (Except for those that have quizzes the videos run non-stop to the end.) DO NOT do this. You will miss out on important knowledge acquisition that will be important to the success of your projects.

Online Presence

A personal website and some social media accounts are required for this course. You are also required to follow particular social media accounts. Review the Online Presence assignment for details.


You’ll be responsible for:

Using Generative AI

You must use generative AI in a creative element of at least one of your projects. The Usage of Generative AI Justification page describes the requirements. You may not use the technology to generate the text content of any project-related document or any other assignment. See the Academic Misconduct section for penalties. You may use generative AI in both projects for 25 bonus points.


You may receive up to 2200 points this semester for your work. Assignments are subject to change. I expect professional behavior. That’s your contract. My side of the bargain is providing you with valuable work to do.

  • Online Presence – 100 points
  • Interactive Media Article – 300 points
  • LinkedIn Learning Courses – 500 points
  • Project #1 – 500 points
  • Project #2 – 500 points
  • Usage of Generative AI Justification – 100 points
  • Semester Reflection – 200 points
Points Grade
2046-2200 A/A-
1760-2045 B-/B/B+
1584-1759 C/C+
1540-1583 C-
1320-1539 D-/D/D+
0 – 1319 F

NOTE: A grade of C or better is required for all Media and Entertainment major and minor students. You will be required to repeat the course if you receive a grade of C- or lower. This course is only offered in the fall semester.

Mechanics, Levers, and Gears

Assignment Submission Requirements

  • No name on a submitted document: lose one full grade point, i.e. a B becomes a C, etc.
  • Up to 7 days late:  The assignment will lose one full grade point, i.e. a B becomes a C, etc.
  • 8 or more days late: The assignment receives a 0 grade. That’s an F.

Classroom Expectations

  1. Treat Each Other With Respect: This is especially important in situations when you disagree with what someone else says. It’s fine to disagree, but be respectful.
  2. Be Open To Critical Thinking: I may raise counterarguments to something you say in class. That doesn’t mean I disagree with you or that I am expressing my own opinion. I simply want you to consider various perspectives.
  3. Don’t Wait to Communicate Problems: We can’t anticipate issues that may arise suddenly; however, it helps when you can communicate challenges or known issues in advance (for example, a missed class or problems you’re having in the course). It’s more difficult to solve problems after the fact.
  4. Attend Class Unless You’re Feeling Sick: I want you to be here! I enjoy getting to know students and working together. Missing classes can negatively affect your grade and your understanding of key concepts in the course.
  5. Submit Assignments On Time: Please don’t lose points for things you can control. Late assignments lose a letter grade per day.
  6. Remove Your Headphones:  Please remove all air pods/earbuds/headphones when class begins. I will do the same.
  7. Only Use Technology For Class: That means no texting, no phone calls, no social media, etc. Don’t @ me, at least not during class. Technology should only be used for class purposes like completing in-class assignments.
  8. Arrive On Time: Please do your best to arrive on time If you do enter the classroom late, please try not to disrupt everyone else.
  9. Let Me Know If You Will Be Leaving Early: Please let me know in advance if you need to leave class early so I don’t wonder if it was something I said.

Experiential Learning (EXL)

This course is an Experiential Learning Course (EXL.) That means you must complete at least one project for an outside client: a business or non-profit. This course includes hands-on learning projects (applied learning, service learning, creative activity, teacher education, laboratory, co-op, or internship). MTSU wants to provide relevant real-world learning opportunities that will benefit students. This course will count toward the completion of the designation, EXL Scholars Program. For more information about the EXL Scholars Program, check the website: http://www.mtsu.edu/exl/. It is strongly recommended that you keep copies of all coursework as it will be helpful if you wish to pursue the EXL Scholars designation.

Use of Media Arts Computers, Labs, Studios, and Other Facilities

No food or drink is allowed in any Media Arts lab, studio, computer, or other facilities. Only bottled water is allowed. Penalties for violations may include being held financially responsible for damages or cleaning, suspension of the use of facilities, and/or reduction in class grades. If you find any equipment damaged or not working, please report it immediately to the Director of Technical Systems, Mike Forbes. Do not attempt to repair anything yourself.

Equipment Checkout

The Media Arts Department maintains an equipment checkout system for students enrolled in production-oriented classes. You may wish to check out certain equipment set aside for this class. Log into the system to see available inventory and to request equipment to be reserved for you on a certain date. Once approved, you may pick up the gear and use it for your assignments. Take good care of the gear and return it when due. It’s free to use but you will be responsible for damage or loss while the gear is checked out, and late returns will be fined every day it is late. Penalties may also include suspension of checkout privileges.

Everyone in class is registered for online Equipment Checkout.

All students are required to follow the Equipment Checkout Policies. If you do not there are consequences (suspension of checkout privileges, etc.)

There is a special category for Interactive Media equipment which includes iPad production kits, a podcasting kit, DSLRs, and 360 video cameras and accessories. You may check out other equipment from other departments based on availability but it may be reserved for specific classes or skill levels.

When you check out equipment it is your responsibility to look over the equipment to be sure everything is correct and in working order before taking it home. When you check in equipment it is your responsibility to tell the checkout attendant if something did not work, is broken, or is missing.

Check-out Hours

Monday 8 am-Noon & 12:30 pm – 5 pm
Tuesday 8 am-Noon & 12:30 pm – 5 pm
Wednesday 8 am-Noon & 12:30 pm – 5 pm
Thursday 8 am-Noon & 12:30 pm – 5 pm
Friday 10 am-Noon & 12:30 pm – 5 pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Checkouts can take as long as 30 minutes. Plan accordingly.

Adobe Creative Cloud

You are granted permission to download the Adobe Creative Cloud to your personal computer for the semester for free; access will be revoked at the end of every semester. To check your access, log on to a https://account.adobe.com and sign in using your Full MTSU E-mail (Example: abc1a@mtmail.mtsu.edu), then select “Company or School Account” at the login screen:

Adobe access screen screen grab    

You should then see the available applications that you can download and install. 

Assignment and Project Publishing

You will publish all of your assignments on your website. They should all be of professional quality. Treat all materials you create for a project as something you will give to your client or boss. By the end of the semester, you’ll have the beginning of a professional portfolio of work to show to an internship, employer, or prospective client.

Copyright and Course Assignments

Any creative work that has been “fixed in a tangible medium of expression” is covered by copyright law. All materials used in a project must be either supplied by your client, created by you specifically for the project and therefore owned by the client, or obtained specifically for the project.

Copyrighted material may only be used with written or emailed permission of the copyright holder(s). If you use your own material for your client you should either grant them the usage rights or negotiate a fee for use. Other allowed materials include Creative Commons and Public Domain materials used with proper attribution.

If you decide to use copyrighted materials under the Fair Use guidelines you must provide written justification to the instructor describing the use of the material and the instructor will decide if your usage; the instructor’s negative determination is final. Since all of your project material will be published publically there is the risk that your interpretation of Fair Use and that of a copyright holder or court will differ. Which may open you up to a lawsuit, which you will probably lose, and which will cost you a lot of money. Proceed at your own risk.

Using generative AI to create content of any kind is not allowed unless you are specifically assigned to do so. Spoiler Alert: You will be assigned to use AI. If you attempt to use generative AI in a project without permission you will face consequences from having to redo the assignment, failing the assignment to failing the class. See the section below on Academic Misconduct.

Dress Code

Regular Class Days: What you wear to school.

Presentation and Guest Speaker Days: Any day you present something to class (there will be several opportunities) or if we have a guest speaker you must dress for the professional environment. The picture shows some acceptable examples.

Acceptable apparel includes dark or light jeans, dress slacks, collared shirts, skirts, and dresses.

Unacceptable apparel includes:

  • faded and or ripped jeans
  • tee shirts
  • logos on any clothing item
  • midriff tops
  • sneakers
  • hiking boots
  • hats
  • hoodies

If you aren’t sure if what you’re wearing is acceptable attire then it probably isn’t.

If you do not have professional attire you will need to get some. Either bring it from your parent’s home or purchase some (Goodwill.) The MTSU Career Closet in the KUC provides each student with one complete business outfit each year.

Professional business attire is the minimum for every meeting or interview before you’re hired. After you’re hired you can dress appropriately for the environment or your role. Asking about this during your interview is ok.


We will be using D2L for grading and assignments turned in. We WILL NOT use D2L email. I will not be checking that Inbox.

Send all emails to me at todd.oneill@mtsu.edu from your mtmail.mtsu.edu address. No other FROM address should be used. Department policy, not mine. Use a subject line that makes sense. Include a signature on every email.

Midterm grades

The University has a midterm grade reporting policy. Your midterm grade is based on a fraction of the work that will determine your final grade. Your midterm grade should not be interpreted as a strong indication of your final grade. Most of your final grade will be determined by how you perform in the second half of the semester. But…I do use your Midterm Grade as a signal about your performance in class. A low Mid Term Grade will trigger an alert to your advisor and mandatory visits with them.


If you will miss class due to illness or incident you must contact me by email BEFORE the scheduled class and explain your absence. I may require documentation that explains your absence. Regular attendance, active participation in class discussions, and a demonstrated grasp of major concepts are essential for obtaining a good grade in this course. 

COVID Information

COVID is back.

If you feel sick do not attend class. (See above.) You should not attend an on-ground, in-person class if you are ill, have any symptoms listed in Policy 311-A, Section VI.A. (scroll down the page) PreClass COVID-19 Self-Assessment, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been in close contact with others who have tested positive.  If you have tested positive or have been in close contact with someone who has, you should self-quarantine. Keep me informed regarding your status when you are absent from class. Act with good faith and honesty when determining if you should attend class.

COVID testing is available in Student Health Services. Students will get same-day results from the testing.

Vaccinations may be available at Student Health Services in the Campus Rec Center.

Academic Misconduct Policy

Middle Tennessee State University takes a strong stance against academic misconduct. Academic Misconduct includes but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, and fabrication. Academic Misconduct: Plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, or facilitating any such act. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

  1. Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works of another person as one’s own without proper attribution. This includes self-plagiarism, which occurs when an author submits material or research from a previous academic exercise to satisfy the requirements of another exercise and uses it without proper citation of its reuse. (See also Copyright and Course Assignments above)
  2. Cheating: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. This includes unapproved collaboration, which occurs when a student works with others on an academic exercise without the express permission of the professor. The term academic exercise includes all forms of work submitted for credit or hours.
  3. Fabrication: Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.

To be clear: going online and taking information without proper citations, copying parts of other students’ work, creating information to make your paper seem more official, or anything involving taking someone else’s thoughts or ideas without proper attribution is academic misconduct. If you work together on an assignment when it is not allowed, it is academic misconduct. If you have a question about an assignment, please come see me to clarify. Any cases of academic misconduct will be reported to the Office of Academic Affairs for violating the academic honesty requirements in the student handbook. You will also fail the course. Remember – ignorance is NOT a defense.

Artificial Intelligence

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to produce content without proper attribution or authorization, when an assignment does not explicitly call or allow for it, is plagiarism. See above for the penalties. AI technology is constantly changing and identifying AI-generated content is always changing. Use generative AI at your own risk. Take note that unauthorized use of AI ticks all three boxes in Academic Misconduct.

Student Resources

Frequently Used Student Resources

Technical Support

Students who experience technical problems including, but not limited to, logging into their course, timing out of their course, and using the course website tools, should be encouraged to contact the MTSU Help Desk online (24/7) or at 1-615-898-5345.


Negative statements about race, class, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, or religion will not be tolerated.  Please choose your words carefully and be mindful of differences in this classroom. Students who violate this policy may incur grade deductions and/or be asked to leave.

Your Mental Health

As a college student, you may experience a range of challenges and issues that can interfere with your physical and mental well-being, hinder your academic experience, and negatively impact your daily life.  Some of these experiences may include overwhelming depression/sadness, anxiety, high levels of stress, use of alcohol/drugs, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and/or loss of motivation. If you or any of your classmates are experiencing these issues, it is important to reach out and ask for help. 

Discuss your situation with a friend, a family member, your instructor, or an academic advisor.  Remember that everyone struggles.  It’s okay to talk about it.  Ask for help.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

For assistance contact MTSU Counseling Services, KUC 326S, 615-898-2670 (free for students) or MTSU Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, Miller Education Center, 503 East Bell Street, Suite 100, Murfreesboro, TN, 615-898-2271 (Free for students and staff). If you or someone you know is thinking about harming themselves call the national 988 line for help.

Outreach and Support Programs

The MTSU community is committed to the academic achievement of each student, and we know that struggling to address basic needs can affect a student’s ability to perform academically. If you are having trouble finding a safe and stable place to live or enough food to eat, please contact Melanie Crowder, 615-898-2808 / Melanie.Crowder@mtsu.edu ), come by the MTSU Food Pantry at the MT One Stop, or speak with your instructor to get the assistance and resources you need. 


Free tutoring is available in study skills, learning strategies, and several courses such as biology, physics, history, computer information systems, math, psychology, economics, the recording industry, and many more. 

The central location for tutoring is the Tutoring Spot, located in Walker Library.  For available tutoring opportunities, including days, times, and locations, visit the Tutoring Spot page

You are encouraged to take advantage of this free service.

Tutoring is also available for some courses in the College of Media and Entertainment. Visit your Advisor for more information.

The Writing Center

The Margaret H. Ordoubadian University Writing Center is located in LIB 362 and online at www.mtsu.edu/writing-center. Here, students can receive valuable (and FREE!) one-to-one assistance in person or online on writing projects for any course. Please make your appointment by stopping by LIB 362, calling 615-904-8237, or visiting the UWC website.  Visit early and often!

Walker Library

For additional resources for research and continual learning, please learn and use the various online research gateways at MTSU’s Walker Library, and to the Walker Library’s Distance Learning site. Links to library materials (such as electronic journals, databases, interlibrary loans, digital reserves, dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, and librarian support) and Internet resources needed by students to complete online assignments and as background reading will be included in course materials.

Career Development Center

Need help understanding what to do with your major, want to gain experience, need professional clothes? The CDC is an on-campus resource that helps you with all these things and more: Visit us at https://www.mtsu.edu/career/

Career Leadership Badge Program

The Career Leadership Badge Program provides students with a road map to getting a job. Follow these practical steps to get the skills you need for work and get a credential in the process. Apply today at https://www.mtsu.edu/career/career-leadership-badge/

Grade Appeals

University Policy 313, Student Grade Appeals, provides an avenue for MTSU students to appeal a final course grade in cases in which the student alleges that unethical or unprofessional actions by the instructor and/or grading inequities improperly impacted the final grade.

Title IX

Students who believe they have been harassed discriminated against or been the victim of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking should contact a Title IX/Deputy Coordinator at 615-898- 2185 or 615-898-2750 for assistance or review MTSU’s Title IX website for resources. MTSU faculty are concerned about the well-being and development of our students and are legally obligated to share reports of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking with the University’s Title IX coordinator to help ensure students’ safety and welfare. Please refer to MTSU’s Title IX website for contact information and details. For Students With Special Needs Middle Tennessee State University is committed to campus access in accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  Any student interested in reasonable accommodations can consult the Disability & Access Center (DAC) website www.mtsu.edu/dac and/or contact the DAC for assistance at 615-898-2783 or dacemail@mtsu.edu.

Last Day Of Attendance

At mid-semester, the MTSU Records Office will distribute a list of students enrolled in this class. The instructor will record on the list the last date of attendance for students who have ceased attending but have not officially dropped or withdrawn from the class. The attendance record is to comply with federal financial aid regulations for students receiving aid.

Lottery Scholarship

Do you have a lottery scholarship? To retain the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship eligibility, you must earn a cumulative TELS GPA of 2.75 after 24 and 48 attempted hours and a cumulative TELS GPA of 3.0 thereafter. A grade of C, D, F, FA, or I in this class may negatively impact TELS eligibility. 

If you drop this class, withdraw, or stop attending this class, you may lose eligibility for your lottery scholarship, and you may not be able to regain eligibility.

For additional Lottery rules, please refer to your Lottery Statement of Understanding form or contact your MT One Stop Enrollment Counselor.

Emergencies in the Classroom

Faculty and students who do not follow University policies and instructions during emergencies and emergency drills are individually liable.
Emergency plans and instructions

A list of safest places for each building during a tornado can be found at the MTSU Alert4U Tornado information page. University instructions during emergencies are sent via email, phone calls, and text messages. University websites will also be updated with the latest information. You are encouraged to plan ahead for emergencies.

Are You Registered to Vote?

Please check your registration, register for the first time, or re-register at your new address at mtsu.edu/vote.

Guests in the Classroom

Students may not bring guests or children to the class without prior approval from the faculty/instructor.

The True Blue Pledge

I am True Blue
As a member of this diverse community, I am a valuable contributor to its progress and success.
I am engaged in the life of this community. I am a recipient and a giver. I am a listener and a speaker. I am honest in word and deed. I am committed to reason, not violence. I am a learner now and forever. I am a BLUE RAIDER. True Blue! 

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