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Video Don’ts

OnlineVideo.net published these Online Video Don’ts (Part 1 and Part 2) back in 2010 but basic video production doesn’t change quickly compared to production technology. (Think snail at a NASCAR race.)

Here’s a summary, but check out the full articles at the links above.

  • Don’t Go too Long
  • Don’t Neglect Production Values.
  • Don’t Hire Someone with Questionable Taste
  • Don’t Go off Message
  • Don’t Try to Go Viral
  • Don’t Have Bad Lighting
  • Don’t Have Bad Sound
  • Don’t Put a Lot of Headroom over Your Subject
  • Don’t Put Your Subject Against a Wall
  • Don’t Generalize While Budgeting

Online Ad Revenue Up!

On October 9, 2013, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)  released its Internet Revenue Advertising Report. And surprise!(?) Online video has had a 24% increase over 2012’s $1.05 billion.

A few more facts and figures:

  • Online video ads earned $20 billion in revenue between January and June of 2013
  • In 2012 for the same period – $17 billion.
  • Online video is 7% of ALL advertising revenue or $1.3 billion
  • Online video advertising is growing 5% faster than all online advertising put together.
  • Paid videos scored 22.7 billion impressions in the month of August – nearly one-third of all online video views.

Get the whole story at Tube Filter.

Online Video in 2013

The PEW INTERNET & AMERICAN LIFE PROJECT has released new research about online video for 2013. You can find the full report here. Below is a video summary of the report.