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Tag Archives: production

Video Don’ts

OnlineVideo.net published these Online Video Don’ts (Part 1 and Part 2) back in 2010 but basic video production doesn’t change quickly compared to production technology. (Think snail at a NASCAR race.)

Here’s a summary, but check out the full articles at the links above.

  • Don’t Go too Long
  • Don’t Neglect Production Values.
  • Don’t Hire Someone with Questionable Taste
  • Don’t Go off Message
  • Don’t Try to Go Viral
  • Don’t Have Bad Lighting
  • Don’t Have Bad Sound
  • Don’t Put a Lot of Headroom over Your Subject
  • Don’t Put Your Subject Against a Wall
  • Don’t Generalize While Budgeting

Video Guide from how to.gov

English: Video Icon2Our tax dollars at work. Over at howto.gov they have some great resources. Here’s one called, surprisingly enough, “Video.”

SInce this is all public domain, here’s the complete list of articles from the site.

Plan Your Video Strategy

Implement Your Video Strategy

Improve Your Video Strategy

Retire Your Video Strategy