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Video Don’ts

OnlineVideo.net published these Online Video Don’ts (Part 1 and Part 2) back in 2010 but basic video production doesn’t change quickly compared to production technology. (Think snail at a NASCAR race.)

Here’s a summary, but check out the full articles at the links above.

  • Don’t Go too Long
  • Don’t Neglect Production Values.
  • Don’t Hire Someone with Questionable Taste
  • Don’t Go off Message
  • Don’t Try to Go Viral
  • Don’t Have Bad Lighting
  • Don’t Have Bad Sound
  • Don’t Put a Lot of Headroom over Your Subject
  • Don’t Put Your Subject Against a Wall
  • Don’t Generalize While Budgeting

Video Proposal Instructions

eHow’s “How to Write a Video Proposal”  lays out some very simple instructions on how to write a video proposal.

Here is a summarized version of the article:

1. Three sentence summary.

2. Write short paragraph about the intended audience and what they will be getting from the video.

3. Subheads for plot points, events, or basic facts or lessons you want to convey.

4. Write a short paragraph for each section of your video.

5. Write a conclusion.

6. On a separate page, include the budget plan, video supplies (equipment, actors, etc.) and a cost estimate.


For a more detailed proposal click the link at the top of this article.