Facebook a Mover in VR

Some interesting stats from Statista on the VR market. Looks like Facebook (Oculus Rift) is gaining on Sony (Playstation VR) and will continue to challenge the Japanese company with its recent announcement of its VR world platform.

Here are some additional stats worth looking at:

Overall, according to Trend Force, global headset shipments grew 25 percent between 2017 and 2018, reaching 4.65 million units and are expected to grow by 29 percent in the current year. Despite growing interest in augmented reality, virtual reality still accounts for most of the shipments in the AR/VR market.

Infographic: Facebook's Virtual Reality Is Gaining on Sony | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Podcasts are Big Money!

The last post here was about podcasts and here comes another one for you. It seems that podcasts are all about real BIG money. Who’d have thought?

So, here’s an article from Time magazine giving you some details on the current state of podcasting. The little guys will probably suffer as the big guys, like Spotify, enter the fray.

Pick Your Poison

So, if you want to be a YouTube star this is what you need to compete with: Bollywood music tracks or a Scandinavian Gamer.

Statista – The YouTube Channels with the Most Subscribers

Podcasts are growing and growing!

Check out this infographic on the growth of podcasts.

Infographic: The Steady Rise of Podcasts | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Vertical Video Channels on IGTV

Maybe Instagram is the service to push vertical video over the top into the professional mainstream? With both a web and mobile producer interface maybe this is the one.

Or could it just be another short-term, flash in the pan service that won’t take hold? Time will tell I suppose. Read this from Medium: With IGTV, Instagram is Becoming Television for the Mobile Generation