The Evolution of Vine

My presentation is going to be over the overly popular video app Vine. The usage of vine has completely changed since it got started. Now it seems like everyone just shares other vines instead of making their own. The only users that are being creative are the people who are “Vine famous”. That includes people like Nash Grier, King Bach, Curtis Lepore and etc. Most normal users just use the revine feature where they can share someone else’s video. This has started happening with the evolution of this app and the new features they have added which includes the revine feature. Also it is interesting how companies are trying to make their way into this app using the Vine famous people. This video app has just started progressing and it is interesting to see where it is going to go in the future.

Basics Guide For Adobe Premiere

Adobe Premiere is a very intimidating program to jump into, simply because it’s more along the lines of a professional grade editing program. Even though it’s tough to get the hang of it at first, once you familiarize yourself with the basics of the program, video editing becomes quite simple. I will be recording a basics guide for editing video footage on Premiere. I will use a screen capture method and walk the viewer through a step-by-step guide on how to get started.

Some topics I will talk about: workspace settings, sequence settings, clipping video, adding basic effects, rendering, and exporting a video.

Presentation Topic

Basic Video Editing in Final Cut Pro X:

I will teach the basics of editing together a short video. I will talk a little bit about capturing/uploading video from your camera, changing the preferences in the program itself, and exporting the video. I will explain how to arrange the video clips on the timeline, how to cut them, and also how to add things like title and credit slides.

PBS’s POV Filmmaking Equipment Survey

Great information!


Presentation Topic

I have decided to do my presentation on social media and how it  distributes and presents breaking news. Whenever breaking news hits, social media plays an integral part in people receiving that breaking news.  Past breaking news that I believe social media has has a big influence on include; the killing of Osama Bin Laden, The Boston Marathon Bombing, The Presidential elections of 2008 and 2012, and the Sandy Hook school shooting , to name a few breaking news events of recent memory. Social media allows people to voice how they feel about a breaking news event in real time and to help spread the breaking news. I believe the days are gone of exclusively reporting breaking news from television or radio because social media can do it much faster and social media allows people that are directly impacted by a breaking news event to voice their concerns via social media.