Video Guide from how

English: Video Icon2Our tax dollars at work. Over at they have some great resources. Here’s one called, surprisingly enough, “Video.”

SInce this is all public domain, here’s the complete list of articles from the site.

Plan Your Video Strategy

Implement Your Video Strategy

Improve Your Video Strategy

Retire Your Video Strategy

EMC: A First Look at the New Look

Billy Pittard, Department Chair of Electronic Media Communication at MTSU, talks about some of the changes to the EMC program, and what students can expect to see in the future.

For more information, and to view the video, visit the original post here.


WordPress Rules!

Check this out!

WordPress in Numbers Infographic 2013

by Marzocchetti.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

Online Ad Revenue Up!

On October 9, 2013, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)  released its Internet Revenue Advertising Report. And surprise!(?) Online video has had a 24% increase over 2012’s $1.05 billion.

A few more facts and figures:

  • Online video ads earned $20 billion in revenue between January and June of 2013
  • In 2012 for the same period – $17 billion.
  • Online video is 7% of ALL advertising revenue or $1.3 billion
  • Online video advertising is growing 5% faster than all online advertising put together.
  • Paid videos scored 22.7 billion impressions in the month of August – nearly one-third of all online video views.

Get the whole story at Tube Filter.

Online Video in 2013

The PEW INTERNET & AMERICAN LIFE PROJECT has released new research about online video for 2013. You can find the full report here. Below is a video summary of the report.