YouTube Creator Playbook
YouTube Creator Playbook This is a great resource for basic to advanced information on using YouTube to it’s fullest.
YouTube Creator Playbook This is a great resource for basic to advanced information on using YouTube to it’s fullest.
Vimeo Video School Good little videos that cover online video at a high level.
I can’t upload the video files due to a limitation. But I can share them with your from Google Drive. You do not have to sign in to download them to a computer. Use this link and download away!
Hello Everyone!, Its Whitney and I know this post is a tad bit late but I still hope that it is beneficial to some. I was looking online for a really easy to comprehend video production proposal guide or template because, some that I found were very wordy and hard to follow. I believe that… Read More »
eHow’s “How to Write a Video Proposal” lays out some very simple instructions on how to write a video proposal. Here is a summarized version of the article: 1. Three sentence summary. 2. Write short paragraph about the intended audience and what they will be getting from the video. 3. Subheads for plot points, events, or… Read More »