Film Proposal Example

Film Proposal Example

I like how this page has it laid out. It is very simple and it tells you what information needs to be included in your proposal. Simple yet effective.

Online video consumption tiny compared to TV?

Online video consumption tiny compared to TV?

I have a hard time believing that. This to me sounds like someone from the TV industry trying tell advertisers to go back to investing in television rather than online video. I used to watch TV before I discovered online video. Now, I absolutely NEVER watch TV (and neither do any of my friends).  The only time I keep the TV on is when I am going to sleep. I keep it on just for the noise. If I ever do watch a movie, I am most likely (illegally) watching it online. I don’t personally watch the news, either. When I need to know about current events, I find out about them online.

Template for Proposal

This is a template I found online while looking around.

Production Proposal Examples

Hey all, found some examples of Production Proposals whilst browsing. I’ve included links to all of them in their respective bullet points.

  • This one doesn’t look super-legitimate, but it had a template and an example, and I thought it was helpful;
  • This one isn’t so much a Template or Example so much as it is a how-to, but it gives some good pointers;
  • This one is the best one I found as far as content and organization, but it has a whole lot of extra material that you’ll have to sift through.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

Floyd Rose Tremolo System Vine

If you don’t have one, throw your guitar in the wood chipper.