Explore and analyze the field of content strategy or content management and develop skills and confidence in creating and delivering business presentations.
Plan, create, and deliver a 10-minute presentation about either content strategy or content management. The intended audience for this presentation is small businesses or organizations with between 10–100 employees.
Treatment (50 points)
Your treatment should include the following sections:
- Topic name
- Justification: Describe and justify the topic you have chosen and why it is relevant to a small business audience.
- Audience description: include the type of business or organization you are targeting and specific information about the person you are presenting to. This should include age, gender, education, income, interests, etc. The more you know the better your presentation. It may be helpful to create a “persona” description to help you focus.
- Objective: must be specific to the subject and no longer than one long or two short sentences. If you can’t say it in that amount of words then you either don’t know enough about the topic or you are trying to do too much.
- Goals or Outcomes: what you want your audience to Know, Do or Feel after they have heard your talk. Your goal may be one, two, three, or any combination of these: should your audience know facts and figures; be able to do something or take action; or feel confident or empowered?
Upload as a Microsoft Word doc to the appropriate Dropbox in D2L. (Apple Pages and Adobe PDFs will not be accepted.)
Content Outline (25 points)
A document explaining the topic in outline form. It should include the information you are trying to convey and, when known, a description of visuals to support those ideas.
Upload as a Microsoft Word doc to the appropriate Dropbox in D2L. (Apple Pages and Adobe PDFs will not be accepted.)
Presentation (75 points)
The finished 10-minute presentation with speaker notes. A good rule of thumb is a maximum of 1 minute per slide. You may use an online service such as Prezi or Google Slides. A 10-minute video will be accepted in lieu of the presentation.
You do not need a slide with your name and/or the course name. If included it will not count toward your slide count.
Upload your presentation file (Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote) or a Microsoft Word doc (Apple Pages and Adobe PDFs will not be accepted) with a link if using an online service such as Prezi or Google Slides to the appropriate Dropbox in D2L.
Due Dates
- SEE Course Schedule
Points awarded on the following criteria:
- Following assignment directions.
- The quality of the information and presentation materials.
10 Points deducted for each day late for each deliverable.
Total points available: 150