Problem Analysis


To develop skills in validating a project concept and creating an audience profile based on primary and secondary research. 


This is the most important step in the semester project. You will research the concept of your project and use that research to determine if the project is viable based on the project concept and probable scope. 

You will then conduct primary and secondary research on the audience for your project and determine how and why the project audience will use your project.

Project Deliverables

  • Document the problem to be solved.
    • Conduct secondary research, brainstorming, etc. to describe why the project is needed.

    • Describe the objective and goals for the project.

  • Identify the target audience.
    • Conduct primary research and secondary research to determine the audience for the project.

  • Gather User Data using surveys or focus groups.
    • Conduct primary research with members of your audience about their needs, objectives or goals when using the project.

  • Develop a persona that represents your audience.
    • Create visual and textual documents that describe examples of your audience members.

  • Document the product
    • Create a Task List and Task Flows for your product.

  • Document your findings.
    • Create a document to report your findings in MS Word (no PDF or Apple Pages) that you will submit to D2L. Include images and graphics to support your findings.

Present your findings to the class

    • Create a visual summary of your findings that can be presented to class.

(FigJam has templates for customer journey maps and personas.)


Due Date

  • SEE Schedule


Points will be awarded based on adherence to the Project Deliverables, Deliverable Formatting, and Due Dates.

Total points available – 300