Problem Analysis Brief


To develop skills in validating a product concept and creating an audience profile based on primary and secondary research. 


This is the most important step in the semester project. You will describe the product in layperson’s language – as if describing it to your grandmother. You will conduct and cite primary and secondary research, brainstorming, etc. about the concept of your product and use that research to determine if the project is viable based on the product concept and probable scope. 

You will also conduct primary and secondary research on the audience for your project and determine how and why the project audience will use your project. And you will research comparable or competitive products in the marketplace.

Product Description

    • Create a brief description of the product.
    • Explain why the product is needed.
    • Specify which platform the product will use (website, tablet app, phone app, or another platform) or any combination and justify your choice.

Product Objective and Goals

    • Describe the objective and goals for the product.
    • Outline what the audience should know, learn, or be able to do when using your product.

Comparative Product Research

  • Research three examples of products similar in concept or creative approach to the one you intend to create. For each example, include:
    • Product Objective: What should the audience be able to know, learn, or do after using the example? (Avoid vague responses like “I don’t know.”)
    • Product Audience: Include age, gender, geographic location, socioeconomic level, media preferences, device usage, etc. (Avoid vague responses like “Not sure.”)
    • Product Platform: Specify the online location or app where the example project is hosted.
    • Linked URLs or locations for the examples you find.
    • Analysis: Explain why these are appropriate examples for your project. Evaluate how effectively they use the medium and why. Discuss what works, what doesn’t, and the reasons behind your assessment.
  • Include screenshots of the compared products.

Audience Research

  • Conduct primary and secondary research to determine the project’s target audience. Include detailed information on age, gender, geographic location, socioeconomic level, media preferences, device usage, etc. Avoid vague descriptions.
  • Develop a set of personas representing your potential audience. Each persona should include:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Demographics (age, gender, location, etc.)
    • Customer needs
    • Motivations
    • Pain points
    • Their journey through your customer cycle
  • Use Figma persona templates if desired. Ensure all information is based on factual research rather than assumptions. These personas will guide your product design decisions.

Product Justification

  • Based on your established objectives and goals, proposed audience, and comparative product research, explain why your product is needed and how it will address the “Big Problem” you’ve identified.

Project Deliverables

  • Document your findings:

    • Create a report in MS Word (not PDF, Apple Pages, or Google Docs) for submission to D2L. Provide a document not a link to a document.
    • Include a title page with the working name of the product and team members’ names and contact information.
    • Use the headings from the previous sections to structure your document.
    • Incorporate relevant images, charts, and graphics to support your findings.
  • Present your findings to the class:

    • Create a visual summary of your findings for class presentation.


Due Date

  • SEE Schedule


Points will be awarded based on adherence to the Project Deliverables, Deliverable Formatting, and Due Dates.

Total points available – 300