Topical Web Posts


To expand your understanding of the User Experience discipline and present yourself as a useful resource to the UX community.


Select five topics from those published in the Schedule. Write an article of at least 500 words and publish it to your personal website. You may choose any topic in any order during the semester. Share the post to one of your social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

Project Deliverables

  • Five topic articles of at least 500 words published to your personal website. Articles must be written in web style with subheads, links and images as appropriate. No Citations! Grammar, punctuation and spelling will be taken into account as part of the grade (use the Grammarly plug-in for your browser.)
  • Postings to one of your social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • When finished, add the link to your article and the social media post to the appropriate Dropbox in D2L.

Due Dates

As listed in D2L Dropboxes


Points will be awarded based on adherence to the Project Deliverables, Deliverable Formatting and Due Dates.

Total points available – 500