Author Archives: Todd O'Neill

Can’t-Go-Wrong UX Product Templates

N/N Group, the consulting company of Jakob Nielsen and Donald Norman always offers up great information. Jakob Nielsen is the godfather of web usability (“Designing Web Usability”) and Donald Norman is the godfather of real-world user experience (“Design of Everyday Things”.) This is a curated set of free templates and guides to accelerate product development… Read More »

Some Advice for Student UXers

This is a direct lift from the NashUX Slack channel by Geoff Alday. It has a couple of nuggets of good advice. 1. What advice would you give to a student who’s interested in UX but not sure how to start? A lot of UX is about solving problems. Usually with some sort of technology.… Read More »

Category: UX

Getting a UX job Without UX experience

What a conundrum! UX is hot as a career but you have no experience to get into the field. What WILL you do? The Inside Design blog (by the tool company #InVision) has some thoughts on that. Check out How to Create a UX portfolio without UX experience. You may find a few answers.