Some Advice for Student UXers

By | 01/25/2019

This is a direct lift from the NashUX Slack channel by Geoff Alday. It has a couple of nuggets of good advice.

1. What advice would you give to a student who’s interested in UX but not sure how to start?
A lot of UX is about solving problems. Usually with some sort of technology. So if you’re curious about what it’s like to work in the UX field, find a problem and learn as much as you can about it. One way to do this is to ask 5 people about the problem and listen to what they say. After you have a better understanding of the problem space, start thinking about and sketching out ideas for different ways you could solve the problem with technology. Then, show those sketches to the same 5 people and ask them to pretend they are using your solution and to give feedback on how well it solves the problem.

Category: UX

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