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There are four assignments/projects in this course:

  • Your podcast’s written assets – this includes your podcast name, podcast description, voice over scripts for your Intro/Outro, and a completed Listener Profile worksheet and Worldview Statement template.
  • Your podcast’s audio assets – this includes a fully-produced (with music and VO) podcast intro and outro (approximately 30-seconds each in length)
  • Your podcast’s introductory episode – this is effectively Episode #000 of your show and will inform your listeners what to expect from forthcoming episodes, including what your show is and is not
  • Show Syndication – this is the culmination of your semester’s work and includes a total of two to three fully-produced podcast episodes live and published on the internet

Regarding Show Syndication, I define “live and published on the internet” in any of the following three ways:

  1. Episodes uploaded and published to Libsyn.com (with links to each episode provided to me). Conversely, you can use Soundcloud.
  2. Episodes uploaded and published on a new or existing blog and, optionally, Libsyn for stability (with a link to your blog provided to me)
  3. Episodes uploaded and published to your blog AND/OR Libsyn (or Soundcloud) AND on Apple’s iTunes platform (with an iTunes link to your show provided to me)

To successfully complete this project (and the course), you can syndicate in one of the ways above, two of the ways above, or all three. Your choice.

If you want to keep your show hidden from everyone but me, go with Option 1.

If you want to give access to your show to family and friends, go with Option 2.

If you desire your show be exposed to the world (and leverage it to, say, grow your personal brand and make lots of money), go with Option 3.

Office Hours

Meetings are by appointment only and conducted online via Zoom. Click "Instructor" above to schedule a time.