Home » Assignments » Show Syndication (Episodes #001 and #002)

Show Syndication (Episodes #001 and #002)


To bring together everything learned in the class to this point and apply it to creating your first content-driven episodes. This will involve fully-produced episodes, including your intro, your show content, and your outro.


You will create two (2), 15- to 30-minute episodes that will serve as the official premiere of your newly conceived show.

Though not finalized, I will likely set up a Dropbox folder for you to upload your completed work.


Episodes #001 and #002 (Audio)

You will supply me a fully-produced MP3 file of your first two episodes for my review.

Episodes #001 and #002 (Script OR Outline)

You will turn in a completed script or outline of your episodes (presumably used to aid in the recording process). I will use this as a guide for reviewing your work.


  • Episode #001 script or outline – November 7, 2017
  • Episode #002 script or outline AND Episode #001 audio – November 14, 2017
  • Episodes #002 audio – November 21, 2017


Points will be awarded based on adherence to the Project Deliverables, Deliverable Formatting, and Due Dates.

Total points available – 600 pts

Office Hours

Meetings are by appointment only and conducted online via Zoom. Click "Instructor" above to schedule a time.