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Week 1




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N/A Listen to at least one recent episode of your favorite podcast and the most recent episode of ONE of the podcasts listed below. Write 3 to 5 things you like about each. Also, add anything you don’t like about whichever one you choose from below.

Before the start of our next class on 9/9.

Week 2


Equipment/software options, types of podcasts, formats of podcasts N/A Finalize your podcast’s name, type or category, and the format of your show. Be prepared to discuss your decisions in next week’s class. By 9/16/2017

Week 3


How to determine your, and your show’s, Worldview. We’ll also walk through the process of identifying your ideal listener.  N/A Complete the Worldview Statement template and the Ideal Listener questionnaire.

There will be time allotted during class for you to work on these items and receive feedback from me.


Before the start of our next class on 9/23.

Week 4


The 5 must-have elements of an effective podcast intro

Review of well-written podcast descriptions.

 N/A Complete your intro and outro scripts for your podcast, as well as your podcast description.

There will be time allotted during class for you to work on these items and receive feedback from me.

Before the start of our next class on 9/30/2017

Week 5


Research your music theme options for your intro and outro at musicbakery.com, pond5.com, and audiojungle.net.

Research potential VO options at voice123.com and fiverr.com (friends work too).


By the end of this LAB, have your theme for your podcast narrowed down to one to two choices. You should also have reached out to between 1 and 3 potential VO options.

Produce and complete the “first draft” of your podcast Intro and Outro. We will preview each one next week for critique. 10/7

Week 6


Intros and Outros listening sessions and critiques  N/A Make any updates or changes to your intro and outro per our group discussion. Turn in your completed version. 10/21

Week 7


Content, structure and format.

Show prep template

Introductory Episode

 N/A Create an outline for your introductory episode.

There will be time allotted during class for you to work on these items and receive feedback from me and/or your classmates. This is due by noon on 10/28.


Week 8


Launch strategies, New & Noteworthy, Pre-Launch game plan, etc.  N/A Produce and complete your podcast’s Introductory Episode (#000)  11/4

Week 9


Tagging your mp3s, uploading to a media host, and embedding your mp3 on your website. Artwork.  N/A Download the free software ID3Editor at http://www.pa-software.com/id3editor/  11/11

Week 10


Building Your Audience, Platform, Momentum  N/A By noon on 11/11 turn in the outline of Episode #001 of your podcast.

There will be time allotted during class for you to work on this and receive feedback from me and your classmates.


Week 11


Monetization: Affiliates, Sponsorships, Partnerships  N/A By noon on 11/25 turn in an outline of Episode #002 of your show, as well as the finished mp3 of Episode #001.

There will be time allotted during class for you to work on this and receive feedback from me and your classmates.


Week 12


Episode #001 listening sessions and critiques  N/A With feedback from me and your classmates, produce and finalize your first two episodes, publishing them to your platform of choice. Episode #002 should be completed by noon on 12/2. 12/2

Week 13


Launch assessment and critiques / Final Exam We’ll review each student’s podcast page and/or website and offer feedback.  N/A

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